202 is a 2011 KME Rescue Engine. It is equipped with a 1500 GPM Waterous pump and a 750 gallon booster tank. 202 responds with at least a driver, an officer, and two additional interior-certified firefighters. It can, and most often does, seat a total of five firefighters in addition to the driver.
Nearly identical to 203, Engine 202 is our third due apparatus for all fires, alarms, and motor vehicle collisions. In addition, it serves as an additional vehicle for all FAST (Firefighter Assist and Search Team) activations. Arriving 3rd due, it serves as the supply engine.
3rd Due to structure fires
3rd Due to MVA Calls
3rd Due mutual aid
2 crosslays of 200 ft, 2 inch diameter hose
1 rear preconnect of 300 ft, 2 inch diameter hose
1750 ft of 5 inch supply hose
2011 KME Rescue Engine
1500 GPM Waterous pump
750 Gallon tank